Our Services

We provide what

Psychological Services

Our goal is to provide customers with the best service, for us to help customers
overcome their barriers is a noble task


Angst(stoornissen), (Chronische) Depressie, Persoonlijkheidsproblematiek, OCD, Tics, PTSS, Eetstoornissen (Mild), SOLK, Conversie, FNS.

Hoog streefniveau

Strengheid naar uzelf en/of anderen. Moeite met ontspannen, stilzitten, trots, complimentjes, zelfvertrouwen, of verantwoordelijkheid nemen en afhankelijkheid.

Interpersoonlijke problemen

Subassertiviteit, pleasen (aardig doen), grenzeloosheid, niet kunnen 'botsen' (conflictvermijding).

Emoties onderdrukken

Onbewuste spanning(angst), somberheid of chronische depressie, zelfkritiek of zelfhaat, schuld & schaamte.

Relaties & Gezin

Verdriet niet tonen, glimlachen, 'een muurtje' hebben, niet verbonden (weerstand emotionele nabijheid).


Emotioneel vlak of gespannen met eetbuien, alcohol- of middelengebruik. Soms: vastgelopen rouwproces.

Book a session today and start changing your life!

our prices

Pricing Table

We have a reasonable price to assure you, we work according to the principle that the
customer is the first, not the money


$ 199
one week consultancy package
  • Consulted by an expert
  • Provide the optimal treatment plan
  • In-house consultation services
  • Psychologically analyzed
  • Evaluation of Psychological
  • Example of Premium Pricing


$ 299
one month consultancy package
  • Consulted by an expert
  • Provide the optimal treatment plan
  • In-house consultation services
  • Psychologically analyzed
  • Evaluation of Psychological
  • Example of Premium Pricing


$ 999
one year consultancy package
  • Consulted by an expert
  • Provide the optimal treatment plan
  • In-house consultation services
  • Psychologically analyzed
  • Evaluation of Psychological
  • Example of Premium Pricing

Note if the case is particularly serious we will have a different price.